“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”
Hi! Welcome to Just Another Language Lover! My name’s Sarah, and this blog has been a dream of mine for a very long time, but until recently I haven’t had the time to pursue it. Now, finally, I’ve carved out some space in my life, and here I am!
I’m a lifelong (and passionate) language learner, and I’m currently in my second semester of a Master’s degree in Spanish translation. (Wow - where does the time go?! Just yesterday I was starting college, and now I’m nearly finished!)
I speak English and Spanish fluently, and I dabble in lots of other languages, like Irish, Mandarin Chinese and French (you can keep an eye on my Duolingo streak here too). I’m constantly fascinated and surprised by language, and this blog is my outlet for all my language-related thoughts. Hope you enjoy!