Learning Czech: The Wonderful World of Verbs

It’s that time again, time to reflect on my Czech learning from this week. I mentioned in last week’s post that I was starting a unit on food and drink, which I thought would be useful for my trip to Prague. Although I didn’t really learn as much food vocabulary as I expected, this section did introduce me to one of the most important aspects of learning any language - verbs.

Usually, mentioning verbs and tenses makes lots of people cower in fear. Too many endings, they cry! Lucky for me, I actually find verbs and grammar really interesting, and love making my own colour-coded notes to speed along the learning process.

The food and drink unit introduced me to several key verbs, including být (to be), jíst (to eat), pít (to drink), chtít (to want), mít (to have) and potřebovat (to need). So far, I’ve learned most of the Present Tense conjugations for these, but they’re nowhere close to being solid in my mind. I guess it’s time to whip out the highlighters and make those notes!


Struggling with vocabulary? Quizlet can help


Book Recommendation - How Language Works