Learning Czech: 2 Weeks to Go!

Just over two weeks to go until my trip to Prague! Once again this week, life got in the way of my Czech learning progress, so I haven’t covered as much as I wanted to. I’ve learned a bit about possessive pronouns, which are a nightmare - they change for number, gender and case, and there seems to be an almost infinite number of them!

I’ve also done a bit more work on the present tense, learning useful verbs like to want, to need and others. Something really exciting happened this week too - I’m starting to understand simple sentences on Duolingo (which use vocabulary from the early lessons) quickly and without the need for a lot of translation in my head. Yay!

I don’t have long left to perfect my Czech basics before I jet off, so I think the next two weeks will be mostly revision. I have a couple of phrase books which include Czech, so I might practice some of the phrases and vocabulary from these. Regardless, they’ll be coming with me in my suitcase anyway, in case I get stuck!


Learning Czech: The Countdown Begins